I am not the only post you will see today regarding what happened 30 years ago today. I have seen quite a few over the past few days. But I do have the best Salt and Peppers to commemorate the event.

These come from a friend who visited Mount St. Helens after seeing our collection at
The Craftsman B&B. She was inspired to add to our collection with this awesome, creative idea for a S&P. As you can see, it's before, above and after, below.
May 20th, 1980 Mount St. Helens blew its top. Ash all over, even where I was living in Denver, nearly 1,300 miles away. This wasn't a big deal to me at the time, but now that I am a "North Wester," it's a part of the history of the area.
Another thing that makes this set one of my favorites is that they are glazed in ash from the eruption.

Just a few minutes and the mountain top was gone. I have seen some good links floating around the web today, here are a few:
National Geographic has posted some pictures of how the mountain has transformed after the 123 years of hibernation.
The person who gave me the S&P's
linked to a blog post today about what people remember on this day, 30 years ago.
Our local news station has a good video and photos posted to
this page.
This didn't happen without warning. Earthquakes started in March followed by phreatic, steam, and ash eruptions. Then the big eruption and pyroclastic flow, I like that word, pyroclastic, on May 20th.
Wiki has a great article here.
Do you have a set of Salt & Pepper shakers that depict a natural disaster?