I wanted to let everyone know, the word is out. We are GREEN! We have always believed in saving the planet and making as small of an impact as we could. Green is in, so we decided instead of quietly being green, we would promote our green practices.
Green Lodging News even did a story about us, click here to read it.
We have partnered with Carbonfund.org and are also part if the Oregon Bed & Breakfast Guild's Green Inspection Program. Another Green Lodging site is istaygreen.org where we rate 3 leafs.
In an effort for our already green inspired guests, we offer discounts for green practices they already use:
10% of a 2 night stay if they arrive on 2 wheels, arrive via Public Transportation or arrive in Hybrid or Bio-fuel car.
So we welcome you to experience Pacific City and the beautiful Oregon Coast in style, grace and comfort.
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