The winter storm on Dec 3, 2007 eroded a lot of sand off the beach in Neskowin. It uncovered a "ghost forest." Trees preserved in the sand. Now home to barnacles, mussels and star fish.

You can only see the trees during low tide and these pictures were taken during the one of the lowest tides of the year. You will have another chance to see the tide this low next month, July 20-24.
Just a short drive from The Craftsman B&B in Pacific City is the town of Neskowin. The beach there is famous for it's Proposal Rock, here it is during that low tide.

Be prepared to get your feet wet as a creek runs through the center of this beach. Named for a turn-of-the-century marriage proposal here, this tall, near-shore monolith. Be smart out here on Neskowin Beach, sneaker waves and the incoming tide have claimed many lives at this beach!
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