Champagne and an ice bucket.
First, book a room at The Craftsman B&B, we still have an opening. When you arrive, we will have the cookies out at check in time and the coffee machine will be ready for Nespresso or tea.
Then it's off to Twist, the local wine tasting room for a New Years Champagne Tasting. They will be pouring 4 or 5 champagne and sparkling wines, blind. Can you tell the difference? We helped them taste a few they wanted to pour, so it should be interesting. A good rule of thumb, the tinnier the bubbles, the better. And you'll be drinking out of Craftsman B&B flutes. Twist closes around 7, so get in there early.
Next on the plan is The Delicate Palette Bistro for dinner. The are doing a special menu for the night with or without wine parings. I suggest a reservation for the dinning room. We have guests checking in, so I hope there still a spot for us after our guests are settled in. There was talk of lobster mashed potatoes, check out their facebook page for the menu, when they post it. We can also make reservations for you, let us know when you book.
The last item for us is a house party here at the B&B. We are planning on starting at 9:00 p.m. so our friends from Twist and the Bistro can join us. We will be playing wii, poker and snacking on whatever Laura thinks up, if you've heard about Laura's party menus, you know it's going to be good. This is a casual BYOB kind of event, you can try your luck at whatever people bring or what you can find around the house. Our personal cellar will be closed, but we will have champagne at the ready for the strike of midnight.
Then it's off to bed, hopefully early as I need to make breakfast in the morning.
New Years Day has something going on here too. It's the Rose Bowl. I know, college football. I'm not a fan, but the local twins talked me into hosting so they could see the game in HD. All are welcome, again BYOB and I'm sure Laura will have something good to nibble on. Game starts at 2:10 p.m., all hype before that, I'm sure. Oregon is playing Ohio State.
We hope to see you in town for the year end fun.