Monday, January 5, 2009

I had to go to the vet.

I'm back from the vet and feeling a little groggy. I wasn't able to put any weight on my left hind leg. It turns out I tore a tendon in my knee. This should heal on it's own, but the doctor also found some bone spurs in the joint as well, scaring from previous injuries.

I know, I can be clumsy and have been known to lose my footing and fall down stairs in the past.  The wood floors and wood steps are shiny and a little slick, I don't get good traction.  I don't know how I did it but I really hurt myself.

It's a bummer, but laying low is what I need right now.

I have to take some pills with each meal for a week. After that, one pill a day with my breakfast, for another week.

Like I mentioned, taking it easy, so no rough-housing and if I do take a walk, just around Pacific City so I can pee on my favorite spots. I wouldn't mind a long belly rub and some spooning on the couch too.  Chewing on my toys will be a good pass of time while I recuperate.

Mike is going to block off the stairs while he is out, and I should go down the back stairs unless I think I'm felling good enough for the front.

So just like a professional athlete, I'm on the DL.  With the shorter days and slower season here at The Craftsman B&B, I hope to be back on my feet, meeting and greeting at 100% if a few weeks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you arrrr'' feeling better, sonny.
Better enough for birthday bones!!!
Have a good Birthday Oscar.
Pearly & your dad too.